Monday, February 21, 2011


Sundays in winter at our church are delicious food days. 

Y'see, winters here in western New York are killer. It's cold. It's icy. It's snowy as all get out. And the driving is AWFUL. So instead of having two services six hours apart and have everyone brave the snowy-blowy twice we have only an hour or so between services. And we fill that hour with delicious food! Everyone brings two dishes. I particularly enjoy making dessert. And I thought of a fun desserty idea just a few weeks ago.

Pie pops.

Tiny pies on sticks! Like lollypops! But with tiny pie!

I'll tell you what though, those little monsters were fiddly to make. They separated top from bottom, bubbled over, slid off their sticks...took me a good hour to perfect them. But once I got them down, I was like a pie pop making machine.

Apple, cherry, and pumpkin, I made 20 or so of each. They didn't all fit in those mugs!

In the interest of full disclosure I must confess that the crust to filling ratio was all wrong. They were tasty, don't get me wrong, but I expected them to be basically the most amazing pie experience of my life! It's a flaw in the design, I guess. BUT LOOK HOW CUTE THEY ARE!

I was thinking of doing a tutorial on how to make them, since they were so fiddly. If anyone's interested?


  1. Ooooh...those look yummy! Yes, please, do the tutorial!

  2. Yes, Amelia! That's a great presentation and what a fun idea. :) (And I have that rooster mug set, too!)

  3. A tutorial would be great! They are just tooooooo cute!

  4. Beyond CUTE!!! Oh my, I've never seen anything like it, aren't you one creative young lady!! I'd love a tutorial. I bet they were a real hit at church. Stay warm....Heather

  5. Yummy! Everything is better on a stick, because it means you can take it with you! :)

  6. Those are the cutest things ever, what a super fun (and awesomely clever) idea!! Please, please, I would love to see the tutorial!

  7. How super cute those are! ;o) Yes we all wanna see *how* to do them! ;o)

  8. Off topic...How do you get your lovely soft curls to stay and look so shiny?

  9. Jenni, they are rather good!

    Kristine, The rooster mugs are my church's, they were just the right size :) And thank you!

    Becky, Tutorial will be upcoming, it gives me an excuse to make them again.

    Vintage Girl, I found out after the fact that these have already been done...sad, I thought I had invented them :(

    Birbitt, Hahahaha, I lol'd, for real!

    Stephanie, Thank you!! And I'll be sure to do a tutorial, since everyone seems to agree. Maybe it'll be a video?

    Nabila, Thank you, cute food is the best food :)

    Sarah, Ahh, you're too sweet!!! Would you believe me if I said I use a hair straightener? It's naturally straight/wavy...

  10. What a creative idea, I'm huge into pie making... those pops are just too cute!!

  11. Totally cute ~ which means you are over your woggy thing, yes? I do not like to cook. I shall pass you along to my Star, who does. ☺

  12. These are so cute and look good too! Yes do the tutorial,Blessings jane

  13. Seriously, you could make a fortune off of this idea. BRILLIANT!

  14. Hmmm, I am now the happy possessor of your address... and I live relatively close to you.... and I'm thinking that pie - is like my favorite food.... OR, I shall haunt here until I see your tutorial, because this is about the coolest idea I've ever seen!!!!! *sigh*

  15. Amelia, I happened to stop by your Mom's and am glad I checked out your blog. It is very nice and inspirational! So if you don't mind, I think I'll be a follower, and maybe you can visit mine also.

    And please do share a tutorial on those pie pops!

  16. These are SO adorable and they look delicious!!:)

  17. Sarah, Pfft, nah, nah. That would be boring! And dull! And uninteresting!

    Elissa, they are really easy too once you get the hang of them!

    Ganeida, WOGGY. I love you and your Australian ways :)

    Jane, I'm thinking I'll definitely do the tutorial!

    Hil, Someone thought of it before me apparently though, isn't that LAME? Also, I wish I could follow you but your blog is all...wordpressy :(

    Ann, You have my address? You come visit me and I will make you so many pie pops you could fill your swimming pool with them, dive into the deep end, and eat your way out. No lie. Well, yes lie. Huge exaggeration.

    Yayaorchid, Thank you so much for visiting, I'm super glad you like it!!

    Ashleigh, Thank you so much! I took the liberty of looking at your blog, is there such a thing as gluten free pie crust? I hope so!!
